Catalog Auction info

ALBERT HOLOPINA (II) 204-937-0093 or 204-564-2211 (#10153) 2023-06-01 01:00:00 CDT - 2023-06-07 16:03:00 CDT Closed

Starts Ending 06/07/2023 3:00 PM CDT

Auction Info
City: Inglis
Province: Manitoba

Lot #533New guards, sections, bolts, and hold downs for NH 1475 haybine

Click image to enlarge
Lot closed - Final Price:$1,000


  • New guards, sections, bolts, and hold downs for NH 1475 haybine
  • New guards, sections, bolts, and hold downs for NH 1475 haybine - 2
  • New guards, sections, bolts, and hold downs for NH 1475 haybine - 3