Arrangements can be made for extra time on the large rolling stock items, by contacting seller your details.
All grain bins will also be given special consideration and an extended time frame for buyers to arrange removal.
Please have your purchases picked up & removed from sale site by:
APRIL 30th, 2022
Buyers must present a PAID invoice to sellers before items will be released.
Please call seller before coming to sale site to pick-up to make sure they are there to give keys and paperwork, & to check invoices.
From (Jct #5 & #23 hwys)
6.8kms South on #5 hwy to Road 22N
50 yards east on Road 22N to Lane #81153 (north side)
From (Jct #5 & #253 hwys)
6.6kms North on #5 hwy to Road 22N
50 yards east on Road 22N to Lane #81153 (north side)
GPS: 49.3265,-99.3131