Catalog Auction info

Jamor Farms 204-857-2214 (#9993) 2021-05-07 14:42:00 CDT - 2021-06-21 16:51:00 CDT Closed

Starts Ending 06/21/2021 4:51 PM CDT

Auction Info
City: Portage La Prairie
Province: Manitoba

Lot #162John Deere planter boxes and parts

Click image to enlarge
Lot closed - Final Price:$1,250


  • John Deere planter boxes and parts
  • John Deere planter boxes and parts - 2
  • John Deere planter boxes and parts - 3
  • John Deere planter boxes and parts - 4
  • John Deere planter boxes and parts - 5
  • John Deere planter boxes and parts - 6
  • John Deere planter boxes and parts - 7
  • John Deere planter boxes and parts - 8