Catalog Auction info

KERRY JOHNSON and THE ESTATE of KEVIN JOHNSON ONLINE TIMED FARM and HORSE RELATED ITEMS AUCTION (204-242-2616) (#10246) 2025-05-01 01:00:00 CDT - 2025-05-27 15:42:00 CDT

Starts Ending 05/27/2025 12:00 PM CDT

Auction Info
City: Manitou
Province: Manitoba

Lot #407Approx 20’ L x 30” W x 3”+ thick rubber belting

Click image to enlarge
  • Approx 20’ L x 30” W x 3”+ thick rubber belting
  • Approx 20’ L x 30” W x 3”+ thick rubber belting - 2
  • Approx 20’ L x 30” W x 3”+ thick rubber belting - 3