Catalog Auction info

RAY & ELAINE COTTYN Ring #2 (204-638-7242) (#9963) 2021-03-06 12:30:00 CST - 2021-04-22 16:45:00 CDT Closed

Starts Ending 04/22/2021 4:45 PM CDT

Auction Info
City: Dauphin
Province: Manitoba

Lot #28*assorted lengths of tubing (poly and steel)

Click image to enlarge
Lot closed - Final Price:$82.50


  • *assorted lengths of tubing (poly and steel)
  • *assorted lengths of tubing (poly and steel) - 2
  • *assorted lengths of tubing (poly and steel) - 3
  • *assorted lengths of tubing (poly and steel) - 4
  • *assorted lengths of tubing (poly and steel) - 5