Catalog Auction info

BEN AMENDT (204-655-3458) Ring #2 (#9959) 2021-03-06 09:00:00 CST - 2021-04-15 17:33:00 CDT Closed

Starts Ending 04/15/2021 5:33 PM CDT

Auction Info
City: Sifton
Province: Manitoba

Lot #14*Watermaster 6” floating slough pump w/8hp Kohler Courage engine, several hundred feet of discharge hose

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Lot closed - Final Price:$1,700


  • *Watermaster 6” floating slough pump w/8hp Kohler Courage engine, several hundred feet of discharge hose
  • *Watermaster 6” floating slough pump w/8hp Kohler Courage engine, several hundred feet of discharge hose - 2
  • *Watermaster 6” floating slough pump w/8hp Kohler Courage engine, several hundred feet of discharge hose - 3
  • *Watermaster 6” floating slough pump w/8hp Kohler Courage engine, several hundred feet of discharge hose - 4