Catalog Auction info

PAWICH FARMS RING #1 (204-529-2565) (#18) 2021-04-23 12:01:17 CDT Closed

Starts Ending 04/23/2021 12:00 PM CDT

Auction Info
City: Cartwright
Province: Manitoba

Lot #54*complete set of Canola discs, spacers, and seed boots for JD planter

Click image to enlarge
Lot closed - Final Price:$3,100


  • *complete set of Canola discs, spacers, and seed boots for JD planter
  • *complete set of Canola discs, spacers, and seed boots for JD planter - 2
  • *complete set of Canola discs, spacers, and seed boots for JD planter - 3
  • *complete set of Canola discs, spacers, and seed boots for JD planter - 4